This project is a combination of all of the assignments in my first video game design class at the University of Maine. I fell in love with video game design during this project. I had so much fun making this I decided to change schools and go to UCSC to get a video game design degree. I learned the basics of Unity creating this game.
Down below is a walkthrough I made of my game.
There are three parts of this game.
The first part is showing terrain and working with meshes.
The second part was a small first-person shooter portion
The third is drive through an electronic world.
Finally, there is a light cycle battle that ends too quickly because the AI was bad.
This was the first game that I made. The process of making this game was a lot of fun. I looked at countless tutorials to achieve the assignments that I was given. However, I did overachieve in this project. The light cycle part of the game was not part of the assignment. I wanted to create a light cycle game. I remember trying to figure out how I can leave a “wall” behind the light cycle. I remember learning about raycasting and trying to program an AI system for computers. Even even though the AI system was very bad I am super proud of it. I really really liked the camera work and the cinematics view that I created. It is something super interesting to me now. Really all of it is super interesting.
Post Mortem
Looking back at this I am very impressed with it. I remember putting hours and hours into this project.
Obviously knowing what I know now the experience would be better.
Things I would change.
-The controls were very ridged.
-The skybox in the “game portion” was distracting
-Use a better AI system. Not sure if A* would work or not. Tree search might be pretty good.
-The ride to the stadium I would fill the world out more.
-Many more things just don’t want to make this to long.
Things I liked
- The timing was great. (I remember working hard with the timing and making sure it fit with the current emotion I was going for. Anticipation mostly.
-I liked the mesh effects, from the fire at the beginning level to the explosions when that projectile it the block.
-The feel of the game of the light cycle part. It felt very good. The speed and the curves.
-I liked the main screen and the main menu.
-I really liked the sound design. It helps that experience out a lot.